Operating a server requires consistent monitoring of its resource utilization and upscale or downscale CloudWays Server when needed. Regular checks of your server’s resource occupation, including RAM usage, CPU usage, Disk usage, and Bandwidth usage, ensure that your server performs at an optimum level and that any potential issues can be quickly regulated. This step-by-step guide will help you check your server resources on CloudWays and procedures for upscaling or downscaling your server when necessary.
The current article is "4.10. Up/Downscale Server" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 4.9. Migrating to CloudWays. Next Article: 4.11. Settings for WordPress
Checking Your Resources Before Upscale or Downscale CloudWays Server
To access your server’s resources, follow these steps:
Click [Servers] on the top menu of your dashboard.
Click your server’s name (for instance, “WordPress Server 1”).
Click [Monitoring] on the left menu on the server’s page.
There are two tabs under the Monitoring section – [SUMMARY] and [DETAILS].
The [SUMMARY] tab overviews your server’s resource utilization. Here, you will find critical metrics like RAM, CPU, Disk, and Bandwidth Usage. Suppose any of these resources are nearing their limits. In that case, it is advisable to upscale your server to avoid potential performance issues.
At the bottom of the page, you will find the “APPLICATION WISE DETAILS” section. This section provides a breakdown of resource utilization per application. If you run multiple applications (or multiple WordPress sites on the same server) – you can identify which ones consume more resources than others. However, if you only operate one application or site, this section might not be as beneficial.
The [DETAILS] tab provides a more granular view of your server’s resource usage. By default, it displays the [Idle CPU], which shows the free or non-utilized CPU percentage. A reading of 100% means that your CPU is entirely free and not utilized, indicating optimal performance. A 100% reading will be only on your first days of server operation since there are no users on the site.
By clicking the button on the left under the [DETAILS] tab, you can choose other server hardware to monitor. Each hardware option explains its function and the recommended action when its measure is near its limit. For example, under [Free Memory], it is recommended to add more memory if it consistently falls below 100MB.
Upscale Your CloudWays Server
Upscale your CloudWays server to add more resources is a relatively simple process that can be done in real-time:
Click [Servers] on the top menu.
Click your server’s name, like “WordPress Server 1”.
Click [Vertical Scaling] on the left menu on the server’s page.
Slide the green point until you’re satisfied with the price-to-hardware ratio.
Hover your mouse over each point to view the specs.
Click [SCALE NOW] in the bottom right corner to apply changes.
Downscale Your CloudWays Server
Downscaling your server is slightly more complex than upscaling but is feasible. The only reason we see for this action is if you see fewer users than you planned initially and you’re paying more than you should for the hardware you don’t use.
Click [Servers] on the top menu.
You’ll see an icon with “3 Vertical dots” on the far right of your server’s row. Click it, then select [Clone Server].
A “Server Cloning” window will open. Click [YES] to proceed.
Select the downscaled setting of the new server and click [CLONE SERVER].
Once the cloning process is complete, on the right side of the old server, click the “3 Vertical dots” icon, then select [Delete].
The current article is "4.10. Up/Downscale Server" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 4.9. Migrating to CloudWays. Next Article: 4.11. Settings for WordPress
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